Triton High School Families,
Tuesday, April 5th is a very busy day at Triton High School. Each year all high schools in the state of Minnesota are responsible for offering a college entrance examination. At Triton, we offer the ACT. Because this testing experience requires extensive personnel we need to adjust how this school day will look.
We wanted to communicate in advance so families have time to plan and coordinate schedules. Please take a minute and read through the information below for your child’s respective grade.
Ninth Graders - College Visits
We are excited to help prepare our students for life after high school by presenting them options. On this day all ninth-graders will attend tours and events at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse and Western Technical College in La Crosse.
The bus will leave at 8:05 AM and will return by 3 PM. Students should not bring Chromebooks or any other valuables. Lunch will be provided at the UW-La Crosse dining hall. Triton staff will be attending the trip as chaperones.
Tenth Graders - PreACT
Tenth graders will report to school as scheduled to take the PreACT. This test is part of their state requirement for college and career readiness. Triton High School is paying for this test. Students are scheduled to finish the test around 11 AM.
Students are excused from school when they finish their test unless they have missing coursework. Students that are currently failing one or more classes are highly encouraged to stay and get caught up. Students going home after the testing will need to line up their own transportation. If students do not have a ride home, we have plans and space for them to stay in school. If students are going to stay in school, they should plan to eat lunch in the cafeteria and be in a teacher’s classroom for the afternoon. Students will not be permitted to leave school and come back.
Eleventh Graders - ACT or ASVAB
Eleventh graders will report to school to take the ACT or ASVAB. Triton is paying for all costs associated with these tests. Testing should be finished by 12:30 PM.
Students failing classes or missing assignments are encouraged to stay in school. Students that are caught up are excused from school after testing. Eleventh graders will also need to arrange transportation. If students are going to stay in school, they should plan to eat lunch in the cafeteria and be in a teacher’s classroom for the afternoon. Students will not be permitted to leave school and come back.
Twelfth Graders - CPR Certification
The twelfth graders will be getting their CPR certification as part of their senior seminar course. This will take place in the multipurpose room during a morning or afternoon session. Seniors should enter and leave through the activities entrance. Seniors have received or will receive information on which session they should be attending. Students that are currently failing one or more classes are highly encouraged to stay and get caught up. Students that are caught up are excused after their CPR certification.
Please feel free to reach out with questions or concerns.
Luke Lutterman - THS Principal,, (507) 418-7520