October 5, 2021
Hello Triton Families
As a thank you to our communities, THS students will be traveling throughout the District picking up trash, raking leaves, and helping clean up public bui...
October 5, 2021
Thank you for taking a minute to view our latest TMS-THS Newsletter. CLICK HERE .
September 22, 2021
Thank you for taking a minute to review the 2021 Homecoming Newsletter. Feel free to reach out with questions or concerns. Homecoming Newsletter - CLICK HERE Luke Lutterman llu...
September 21, 2021
Join us for the BE BRIGHT, SAVE A LIFE COLOR RUN! Who: Hosted by THS Student Council
When: Sat. October 9th, Check in @9:30, Run @10!
Where: The sta...
September 13, 2021
Please take a moment to check out the latest TMS-THS Newsletter. https://www.smore.com/tknvq
September 10, 2021
Good news! JostensPIX was recently at your school to photograph picture day, and your student's photos are now available for viewi...
September 4, 2021
Thank you to the middle and high school students, families, and staff for a fantastic open house! We are excited for the opportunities this year will present! The first day of sc...
September 4, 2021
Congratulations Cadence! She won the Junior Dairy Showmanship award at the 2021 Minnesota State Fair! #WeAreTriton #GoCobras
September 2, 2021
On August 25, Chris and Julie Staub of Staub Farms hosted a crops workshop for Triton FFA members to learn about soil moisture monitoring probes developed by Earthscout. Studen...
August 27, 2021
The start of a new school year is always a time of great anticipation and excitement. Triton Middle and High School extend a warm welcome to many new faces that are motivated to m...
August 27, 2021
Thank you for taking a minute to read through the back-to-school information. Back to School Newsletter - CLICK HERE